Donate Directly to Our Medical Center (LMC) Project

The medical facility primarily targets the vulnerable children and orphans at the child prosperity center and the neighboring community. The community does not have a free government health facility, with the nearest being kilometers and miles away. Therefore, the community will benefit from the first-class services provided by the medical facility.


The objectives:

  • To reduce the barrier and challenges of accessing health services in and around the Wakiso district.
  • To provide improved health services to the orphans and vulnerable children at KCPC by 95%.
  • To provide voluntary guidance and counseling services and free cost services to the vulnerable communities around KCPC all for one Kampala.
  • To improve on the quality of life in KCPC all for one children Kampala.
  • To train the people in the community’s better health practices.


Donate Directly to Our Medical Center (LMC) Project

50% funded
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Donation Total: $100 One Time