Donate Directly to Our Safe Water Project

Uganda is a beautiful mix of cities and countryside, mountains and deserts, remarkable potential amidst desperate poverty. It is home to people of inspiring hospitality, kindness, and joy.

But for so many in Uganda, clean and safe water is impossible to find. Mothers search for it in vain and children gather dirty water when nothing else is available. As they do, hope is lost when inevitable sickness and poverty follow.

We’re committed to working closely with the people of Uganda, listening to their needs, and not simply imposing our solutions. Our desire is to see more people accessing safe and clean water.

Sponsoring a water project in Uganda is easy. Every donor is connected to a specific project. No matter the size of the gift, you’ll receive a project report with pictures, GPS coordinates, and brief reports describing how you’ve helped a particular project.


Safe Water Project

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Donation Total: $10