Donate Directly to Our Vocation school project

Poverty has persistently prevailed among the villages and is on the increase despite the Government’s efforts to alleviate poverty. People work and earn enough to survive, but some have nothing for other essential needs and services. Many people cannot afford money for their children’s higher education. A vocational school is therefore necessary to cater for the boys and girls who are unable to join higher education because of funds. Some of them are potentially highly gifted boys and girls who are idle because they have been sidetracked by the inability to access higher education. They need to be equipped with some practical knowledge and skills for a decent living. This can best be done through a vocational training school in the area. We are going to support the Communities to sustain themselves in lifelong skills and enterprises, but how will they if the basics are not available?

  • Computer Studies
  • Carpentry & Joinery
  • Tailoring
  • Catering
  • Mechanics
  • Musical Studies
  • Farming
  • Masonry

Vocational School Project

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Donation Total: $10