Get Involved

Do something

If you want to help us find better ways to keep children alive and healthy, we want you on board. Here's how to join Kajoma Child Prosperity Center on our journey to a fairer world.


Go on a mission trip

You can impact the life of a child by going on a mission trip. When you join us on a short-term mission trip, you gain a deeper understanding of God’s heart for the orphan. You also have an opportunity to respond in meaningful ways to the needs of our ministry partners.


Sponsor a child

Child sponsorship provides you an opportunity to develop a relationship through prayer and support. It says, “I believe in you!”


Feed the children

You will feed the children by putting food onto the plates of children who are being cared for.
Since January 2019 an improved menu has been introduced which gives the children a more nutritionally balanced diet which includes fish, chicken, fruit, and milk.
The cost of feeding one child is approximately $60.00 per month.


Treat the sick

You can donate medical supplies and equipments to aid in our LMC medical center.

No one becomes poor by Giving

Only by Giving You Receive More!

Donate to Kajoma Child Prosperity Center

Kajoma Child Prosperity Center's mission is to glorify Jesus Christ by having a significant, long-term impact on orphaned and vulnerable children, equipping each child for a fulfilling, independent Christian life in their community.

Donate Directly to Our Medical Center (LMC) Project

The medical facility primarily targets the treatment of the vulnerable children and orphans at the child prosperity center and the neighboring community. The community does not have a free government health facility, with the nearest being kilometers and miles away. Therefore, the community will benefit from the first-class services provided by the medical facility.

Vocational School Project

Many people cannot afford money for their children’s higher education. Hence the need for vocational school

Safe Water Project

It is really hard to Drink Water From This! Let's join hands for a Safe and clean water project.